Results for "NaPoGenMo2022"


    • Basil Cartryte

      NaPoWriMo 2022 - NaPoGenMo 2022 - Lemurian Sonnet #5

      Lemurian Sonnet #5 Ga mowko cadi jearaifoa Chu ropee foaseij! Keiwol peepu, Jau seamjaja fea, lai thaupi moacouboash Leajirau jaukau pulsaig jeebeilwau Sum fudouge wamauya, geet– We lai kootoa maisho yairaikou Do thoaclishaith toutai thol waijoo, poochai bai; Maijmazthu kaisai...

      Tags: NaPoWriMo2022, NaPoGenMo2022, NaPoWriMo, NaPoGenMo, Lemuria

      • Carl Bettis

        NaPoWriMo 2022 Day 9, and NaPoGenMo 2022 No. 2

        Two computer-generated sonnets, and links to the source code that created them. The code works by randomly mixing lines from existing poems. I downloaded a bunch of Elizabethan sonnet sequences from Project Gutenberg, then did some manual work to strip out most of the text besides the s...

        Tags: NaPoWriMo, poetry, NaPoWriMo2022, NaPoGenMo, NaPoGenMo2022